Articles & Events
Shearing Magazine
New Zealand
Joanne Crawford (Jojo) reached out to me after following my travels on Facebook. After a few questions, she wrote a piece for Shearing Magazine which I believe was her first article (you can't tell!). To be featured in an International Shearing Magazine was always a far-flung dream for a very standard shearer like myself and I'm very grateful for the opportunity.

Credit: Joanne Crawford, Des Williams https://www.lastsidepublishing.co.nz/shearing/

Shearing with the Rocher Family is always a pleasure. They are incredibly welcoming, are fantastic farmers, speak perfect English and are always wanting to show me more about German Culture. I was amazed when shearing in Norway I received a message from the family group WhatsApp chat that Anke had written and submitted an article which included me in it!

Credit: Anke Rocher, BAUERN ZEITUNG

Avisa Hemnes
What I thought was a very standard day at work - I arrived at a barn in Korgen, klipped some sheep, had lunch and a chat before continuing after lunch, meant I was even more surprised when I received a message from Edel asking if she could include me in an article for the Avisa Hemnes. Beautifully written Edel is now a full-time writer for the newspaper and I feel very privileged to be her first published piece.

Glebe Farm Shearing Demonstration

Astbury, United Kingdom
Twice I've traveled to Libby and her team at Glebe farm, to give a shearing demonstration. The first time, she had booked me to shear her rare breed Icelandic sheep but forgot to mention that I was to be in front of an audience! I didn't think I was capable but there's nothing like being thrown in at the deep end. After a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon, I agreed to another the following year and have done several demonstrations since.
The second time I came there was one ewe left to lamb. Mid-demonstration she was showing signs of difficulty, I jumped into the pen with Libby to find the lamb inside had its legs stuck back. At this point the crowd of spectators was growing, curious as to what was going on - live lambing is more stressful than shearing! Fortunately, the lamb was born alive and was up and having a drink off mum when I left - a day to remember!

Pictures: Libby Jackson, Glebe Farm, Edgeview Flock and Fleece
The Farmer's Yarns Shearing Demonstration

Cumbria, United Kingdom
I was working in Scotland at the time so drove down to visit John & Maria for The Farmer's yarns event just down the road from their farm. The Farmer's Yarns is a celebration of all things wool; there were multiple stands displaying all types of woolen products; spinning Herdwick wool into rope, sheep skin rugs, jumpers, coats, and jerseys etc.
John had selected some of his rare breed sheep for me to shear and despite it raining throughout the day the overall impressions were good and the event was a success.
** Note to self: Castlemilk Moorit and Hebridean Sheep are not the easiest to shear for a demonstration!

Pictures: Maria Zeb Benjamin, The Wool Library
Hatton Country World Shearing Demonstration

Warwickshire, United Kingdom
I first went to Hatton to shear Katie (one of the supervisors) personal flock of rare breed sheep, she had asked if I would be available for a rare breed shearing demonstration at Hatton, the following year. I'd sheared in front of a few crowds at this point and was getting more confident at explaining what I was doing and why, as well as answering many questions throughout a demo.
The few days I was at Hatton it was blistering hot, in one afternoon, I also crutched some of their very cute (and small!) Pedigree Ryland Lambs.
At the end of my last demo, I was packing up my equipment and the staff were returning the sheep from the shearing pen to their main enclosure: Some Jacobs took a wrong turn and ended up running around the laser quest section! Fortunately, I had my trusty dog Jane who was able to round the escapee sheep up, I even had to carry one back up the hill!


Rural 2 Kitchen
Written by Wallace:
Have you ever considered travelling?
Rachel (The Global Farmher) did, on her last day of school exams! She headed to Cyprus
That wasn’t the end for her though, in the 7 years following she has ticked off 20 countries, soon to be 21!
She’s worked in just about every side of farming and been to Italy, Norway, New Zealand and more!! We actually filmed for pretty much the entire duration of daylight! A great chat with a new friend!
Check it out here:https://open.spotify.com/episode/467Hs2aKnpuUuPkTJ814fy...